Better Immunity

Better Immunity

from $179.95

Agaricus Eskimate, High-Quality Silver, Vitamin C and Monolaurin (Lauricidin) in one package

#1 - Lauricidin - This is an absolute must and should always be in your medicine cabinet. It has spared our families and clients' families from bad colds/flu and other infections for many years. This is the brand we trust and use!
It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal and yes it will work against this particular strain of coronavirus. Please follow instructions precisely as you have to work up to the proper dosage slowly.
#2 - Bio-active Silver
    This is the one nearly everyone knows about, it has been used for hundreds of years with great success! This is a very high-quality brand we use.
#3 - Agarikus Eskimate
Japan spends billions every year on the research of medicinal mushrooms because they are so powerful. There are different types of mushrooms with various benefits, but all of them boost the immune system dramatically, that is why some of them became approved anti-cancer drugs in Japan.
The Agarikus Eskimate is the strongest extract we know of and it was geared towards people fighting for their life battling cancer. It`s capacity to help the bone marrow produce more Natural Killer cells, T-Cells, etc is exactly what we want to boost our immune systems army. It is very powerful and our go-to whenever anything might be going on! The scientific proof of its effectiveness is voluminous, infections, cancer inflammatory responses, etc.
#4 - Vitality C – This is the best Vitamin C we know of outside of injections. We have used it for over 12 years ourselves. It allows us to take high quantities without any stomach upset, it is phenomenal!
I think the Vitality C is the finest powdered Vitamin C I’ve ever come across. Start every morning with a dose.” - Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
Note: this is on backorder with the manufacturer and will be shipped separately within 10-20 days. We have sourced another brand of vitamin C that is also highly digestible and is available as an alternative if you don't want to wait.

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